My faith is the most important part of who I am. Everything about me--my identity, my decisions, my opinions, my actions--are informed by what I believe. I strive to live the life to which Jesus called me: one of purpose, sacrifice, and holiness. God is my father, Jesus is my savior, and the Holy Spirit is my guidance. Without the Trinity, I am nothing; with God, all things are possible.
You may not share the same beliefs as I do, but you are welcome here nonetheless. I believe that all of humanity can learn from each other, and that we must go where we are unfamiliar in order to learn. My travels, my readings, and my job have often forced me into new and challenging places. Yet it is in these places of discomfort and confusion that I become a deeper and fuller version of myself.
My prayer for you, reader, is that you allow yourself to go beyond your comfort level, to reach for new heights and walk on new paths. When each of us, humans, find ourselves in the unknown, we are faced with a decision: turn back or move forward. Every time you choose to move forward, your understanding of yourself and of the world gets a little deeper. A little wider. A little stronger.
I invite you to join me on this journey, and I ask you to bring all of your beliefs, experiences, baggage, joy, memories, regrets, failures, and successes along with you. These are the things, after all, that make us human. And what a rare and beautiful gift it is to be a part of humanity.
"We carry within us the wonders we seek without us." -Thomas Browne
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